


Many people who have diabetes also have an experienced primary care (or family practice) doctor or nurse practitioner who can help them manage their diabetes. 例如,简单的人 2型糖尿病 may never need to see a specialist because they can easily manage it with their primary care doctor’s help. Other people, however, might choose to see a specialist.


Here are 10 reasons why you might want to see an endocrinologist or diabetes care team:

1) Your doctor recommends you have an evaluation with a specialist.

在你被诊断患有糖尿病之后, your doctor may recommend you see a specialist to confirm the diagnosis and make sure you know your options for managing the disease.

2) Your primary care physician has not treated many diabetes patients.

If your doctor has not treated many patients with diabetes or you are unsure about their treatment, 你可以选择看专科医生.

3) You are having problems communicating with your doctor.

If you feel your doctor is not listening to you or understanding your symptoms, you could see a specialist who will focus primarily on your diabetes.

4) You cannot find the right educational material to help you.

Treatment for diabetes starts with learning to manage your diabetes. If you can’t find the right information to help you manage your diabetes, 你可能想去看糖尿病护理小组 接受糖尿病教育.

5) You are having complications or difficulty managing your diabetes.

You should definitely see a specialist if you have developed complications. 糖尿病 typically causes problems with the eyes, kidney, and nerves. 除了, it can cause deformity and open sores on the feet.

糖尿病 complications only get worse with time, and can cause you to miss out on quality of life. 除了, you should see a specialist if you are having frequent low blood sugars (hypoglycemia) or have ever had severe low blood sugar or diabetic ketoacidosis.


Your primary care doctor may be doing the best they can, but the standard treatment options don’t always work for everyone. Endocrinologists and diabetes care teams use a wide range of treatments to help you with difficult-to-control diabetes.

7) You want to know about the latest research or treatment options.

内分泌学家和专业中心,比如 犹他州的糖尿病 & 内分泌学中心,是进行研究的关键地点. A specialist will be aware of the latest research or treatment options.


If you are interested in contributing to diabetes research, you may want to contact a specialist to learn more about ongoing research studies.

9) You take three or more injections a day or use an insulin pump.

的 more complex your diabetes treatments become, the harder they are to manage. Seeing a specialist will ensure you are receiving the best recommendations for managing your treatment.

10) You need a care team including diabetes nurse 教育工作者, 营养学家, 可能还有其他专家.

Just receiving a diagnosis and learning about diabetes often is not enough to help you manage your disease. Seeing a specialist will connect you with an entire diabetes care team whose members—nurse practitioner, 营养师, 药剂师, 教育家, and exercise physiologist—bring unique areas of expertise to help individualize your care according to your specific needs.

初级保健医生 为糖尿病患者大发娱乐提供良好的治疗, if managing your condition feels complicated and unmanageable, 你可能需要找个专家看看. Endocrinologists and diabetes care teams can provide you with their expertise, 工具, and resources specific to your individual symptoms and condition. Exploring all your options will help you determine the best management plan and achieve the highest quality of life.


糖尿病专家被称为内分泌学家. Endocrinologists specialize in the glands of the endocrine (hormone) system. 胰腺是与糖尿病有关的腺体. 的 pancreas produces insulin, and problems with insulin are what managing your diabetes is about.

Endocrinologists often work as a team with other diabetes specialists—nurse practitioners, 营养师, 药剂师, 教育工作者, and exercise physiologists—who help address every aspect of diabetes, 这可能是一个非常复杂的问题.






