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Ad Council Announces $65 Million Multi-Year Mental Health Initiative

Huntsman Mental Health Institute Makes Lead $15 Million Contribution

Half (49%) of American residents ages 16 to 65 say they have a mental health condition, and of those who report a condition, only about half (48%) say they’re getting help or treatment, according to a new study conducted in May to June 2022 released today by the Ad Council. Additionally, 43%的人不愿意和亲近的人谈论自己的情绪和感受. To address the mental health crisis throughout the U.S. and encourage people to take steps to support their mental health, the Ad Council announced plans for a wide-reaching and comprehensive communications effort. With a founding gift of $15 million from Huntsman Mental Health Institute (HMHI), the national Mental Health Initiative has set a goal of $65 million over the next seven years.

在非营利组织开创性的全国COVID-19疫苗教育活动之后,超过75%的有资格接种疫苗的人接种了疫苗, 广告委员会正在发展以联盟为基础的多受众模式,这种模式使它如此成功,并动员了广告, 媒体和营销行业解决全国社区面临的心理健康问题.

Due to cascading challenges over the last few years in the U.S., many populations are now experiencing mental health struggles:

  • Four in 10 adults reported anxiety and/or depression symptoms in 2021, a four-fold increase from 2019, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. 黑人成年人(48%)和西班牙裔成年人(46%)比白人成年人(41%)更有可能报告这些症状.
  • Youth and young adults across the country are experiencing increasing mental health challenges. According to a 2021 study, 37.1% of U.S. high school students reported poor mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic, with 19.9% considering and 9% attempting suicide in the preceding year. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
  • 据信,LGBTQ+青少年经历抑郁症状的比例是异性恋青少年的六倍. (Mental Health America)

大发娱乐都被心理健康危机所触动,这是大发娱乐多年来一直经历的危机, 但由于COVID-19以及持续的种族正义斗争和充满挑战的经济等其他因素的共同作用,这种情况大大加剧了,” said Lisa Sherman, Ad Council President and CEO. “大发娱乐已经看到,当广告委员会围绕一个单一问题召集合作伙伴联盟时,可以取得令人难以置信的进展. Together, 大发娱乐有独特的能力重塑围绕心理健康的对话,并在数百万美国人最需要的时候大发娱乐他们.”

Guided by mental health experts, 在各部门的伙伴关系中得到加强,并植根于与主要受众的广泛研究, the initiative aims to change social norms, 减少对精神卫生的污名化,鼓励人们对自己的精神卫生问题采取积极主动的态度. With the founding contribution from HMHI, a premier university-wide institute dedicated to psychiatric research, education and treatment at the University of Utah, the Ad Council will bring together a coalition of leading mental health NGOs, including American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, American Psychological Association, The Jed Foundation, Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, Mental Health America, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), National Council for Mental Wellness, Peg’s Foundation and the Steinberg Institute; federal agencies and private sector corporations for this collaborative effort. 这项工作将植根于深刻的文化见解,并由美国自杀预防基金会(AFSP)的一个专家小组大发娱乐提供信息。, The Curtis Center for Health Equity, the Chester M. Pierce MD Division of Global Psychiatry, The Jed Foundation and the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center, GLAAD, the Huntsman Mental Health Institute, among others.

这笔资金将用于开发一流的洞察和分析引擎,以告知和评估相关内容的影响, an extensive trusted messenger program, employer workplace resources, 草根社区的激活和大规模的多管齐下的沟通努力,为有需要的人群大发娱乐提供离散的活动和开源合作伙伴工具包.

Established in 2021 following a $150 million gift from the Huntsman Foundation, HMHI is designed to be a convener, collaborator, care giver and problem solver. HMHI的目的是汇集所有领域的精华,为药物使用和成瘾等复杂疾病开发创新的解决方案, depression and suicide, and solve mental health challenges like workforce shortages and stigma.

“亨茨曼心理健康研究所有一个宏伟的愿景,那就是真正改变每个人的心理健康——这个愿景超越了犹他州和西部山区,” says Mark Hyman Rapaport, MD, CEO, Huntsman Mental Health Institute. “这个大胆的目标要求大发娱乐采用创新的解决方案,并在医疗保健内外开展大胆的合作,以应对大发娱乐社会面临的复杂心理健康挑战. We are thrilled with the opportunity to partner with the Ad Council; we believe this is a transformative partnership that will yield real and lasting change.”

Mental health has long been a priority issue for the Ad Council, with three national campaigns currently running: Teen and Young Adult Mental Health (Seize the Awkward)与Jed基金会和由Droga5创建的AFSP合作,中学心理健康(Sound It Out) in partnership with Pivotal Ventures created by McCann, Cassanova and Egami, and Veterans’ Suicide Prevention (Don’t Wait, Reach Out) in partnership with the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs created by TBWA. A new national campaign will launch in spring 2023 to reach adults, particularly men, as well as Black and Hispanic communities. The new campaign is being created pro bono by ad agency FCB. IPG Mediabrands is the media agency of record, as an extension of IPG’s longstanding support of the Ad Council’s mental health efforts. 新的精神卫生倡议将包括当前的运动和新的努力,以满足多种受众的需求. Together, the initiative will address the needs of Black, Hispanic, rural, LGBTQ+ and Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) populations.

媒体公司和平台,包括亚马逊广告,Audacy, CSMG/EsportsU, Effectv, FOX, Google & YouTube, Meta, NBCUniversal, Paramount, Pinterest, Snap Inc. 和抖音一直在支持广告委员会的心理健康工作,并将继续支持作为该倡议的一部分在捐赠的媒体时间和空间内制作的内容.

To reach communities of color in a culturally relevant way, 广告委员会还与在黑人社区拥有深厚专业知识的机构(JOY Collective)合作,制定了一项全面的“地面游戏”战略。, Hispanic community (Latinovations) and the faith community (Values Partnerships). The Ad Council will collaborate with community-based organizations including UnidosUS, culturally relevant programs including How Sweet the Sound, and trusted messengers to provide mental health education programs, conduct events and coordinate town halls.

Additionally, a robust employer effort via the Health Action Alliance will be deployed to address mental health among America’s workforce. With more than 4,000 participating companies, the Health Action Alliance provides free tools, training, best practices and events to help all employers support the mental health of their workforce. The Health Action Alliance is a joint initiative of the Ad Council, CDC Foundation, de Beaumont Foundation, National Safety Council and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation — in partnership with Meteorite.

精神卫生倡议的结构将与广告委员会具有影响力的COVID-19疫苗教育倡议类似. Launched in February 2021, the COVID-19 Vaccine Education Initiative produced more than 800 pieces of PSA content, provided vaccine information in over seven languages, hosted more than 150 events, 与近300名有影响力的人和值得信赖的信使合作,获得了超过3.05亿美元的捐赠媒体.

To learn more or contribute to the Ad Council’s Mental Health Initiative, please visit

The Ad Council

广告委员会在国家危机时期创造拯救生命的公共服务沟通方面有着悠久的历史, 从该组织成立之初的第二次世界大战到911事件以及卡特里娜飓风和桑迪飓风等自然灾害. Its deep relationships with media outlets, the creative community, 问题专家和政府领导人使该组织能够迅速向数百万美国人分发救生信息.

The Ad Council is where creativity and causes converge. The non-profit organization brings together the most creative minds in advertising, media, technology and marketing to address many of the nation's most important causes. The Ad Council has created many of the most iconic campaigns in advertising history. Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk. Smokey Bear. Love Has No Labels. 广告委员会创新的社会影响运动提高了认识,激发了行动,拯救了生命. To learn more, visit, follow the Ad Council's communities on Facebook and Twitter, and view the creative on YouTube.

Huntsman Mental Health Institute

亨斯迈精神健康研究所(HMHI)成立于2021年,此前亨斯迈基金会向犹他大学捐赠了1.5亿美元. HMHI是一所大学范围内的研究所,在整个西部山区享有声誉,是先进精神病学治疗和护理的领导者, serving a diverse population from young children to geriatric patients. Researchers at HMHI develop and apply the most advanced methods in genetics, imaging, epidemiology, and big data analysis. HMHI is also the regional training center for psychiatry and other mental health disciplines. HMHI’s main 170-bed full-service hospital is adjacent to the University of Utah campus, and HMHI’s 1,691 faculty, staff, and students provide clinical, research, and training programs in over 20 locations across Utah and Idaho. For more information, visit and join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


Media Contact

Sara Weber, Huntsman Mental Health Institute