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About Cervical Cancer


Signs & Symptoms

These are signs of cervical cancer:

  • 阴道出血,包括性交后出血
  • Unusual vaginal discharge
  • Pelvic pain
  • Painful sex

许多其他健康问题也会导致这些症状. 如果你有任何这些迹象,请尽快去看医生.

Learn more about cervical cancer from the National Cancer Institute.

Image of the Female Reproductive System

Anatomy of the female reproductive system. 女性生殖系统的器官包括子宫, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, and vagina. 子宫有肌肉的外层称为子宫肌层,内层称为子宫内膜.
Anatomy of the female reproductive system. 女性生殖系统的器官包括子宫, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, and vagina. 子宫有肌肉的外层称为子宫肌层,内层称为子宫内膜.

Specialties & Treatments

每个病人的治疗或治疗组合取决于癌症的阶段, recommendations of the care team, and the patient’s wishes. 以下是治疗子宫颈癌最常见的方法:

  • Surgery
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Targeted therapy

亨斯迈癌症研究所的妇科癌症项目大发娱乐提供全面的, compassionate, 最先进的女性生殖器官癌症治疗. 大发娱乐的专家治疗和诊断所有类型的癌症和疾病.

Learn more about types of cancer treatments and cervical cancer surgery choices from the National Cancer Institute.

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Causes & Risk Factors

任何增加患病几率的因素都被称为风险因素. 有风险因素并不意味着你一定会得癌症. 这意味着你的几率比普通人要高. 和你的医生谈谈,了解更多关于你患癌症的风险.

患子宫颈癌的机会随着年龄的增长而增加. These are other risk factors:

Learn more about ways to prevent cancer and about cancer screenings.

Diagnosis & Stages

Screening & Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer

Screening looks for cancer before you have symptoms. 如果你注意到宫颈的变化,筛查也可以检查任何不寻常的东西. 筛查可以排除问题或大发娱乐在早期发现癌症, when it may be easier to treat.


  • Pelvic exam: A health care provider checks the vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and rectum for signs of cancer.
  • Pap test: 医疗保健大发娱乐提供者从子宫颈和阴道表面收集细胞,以便在显微镜下观察它们以确保它们是正常的.
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): This test uses a powerful magnetic field, radio waves, 还有一台电脑,可以生成你身体内部的详细图片.
  • Biopsy: 医疗保健大发娱乐提供者取出细胞或组织样本,以便在显微镜下观察是否有癌症迹象.
  • Physical exam and history: 医生会检查你的身体是否有疾病的迹象. 你的个人健康习惯、过去的疾病和症状有助于指导检查.
  • 化验,包括人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)化验: Through testing body tissues, blood, urine, or other substances in the body, 你的医疗团队可以检查你的肝脏和其他器官的功能. 他们还可以寻找癌症出现时细胞产生的物质.
  • Biopsy: 切除细胞或组织,以便在显微镜下观察,以检查癌症的迹象.

Stages of Cervical Cancer

分期是显示癌症是否已经扩散到子宫颈内部或子宫颈周围或身体其他部位的过程. 癌症通过三种方式在体内扩散:通过组织、淋巴系统或血液.


  • 0期:0期癌症通常被称为原位癌. 对于0期宫颈癌,在子宫颈内膜上发现了异常细胞.这些不正常的细胞可能变成癌症并扩散.
  • 第1期(1A1, 1A2, 1B1, 1B2):癌症只发生在子宫颈.
  • Stage 2 (2A1, 2A2, 2B):癌已扩散到子宫颈以外,但未扩散到盆腔壁或阴道下部.
  • Stage 3 (3A, 3B): The cancer has spread to the pelvic wall, to the lower part of the vagina, or has caused kidney problems.
  • 第四阶段(4A, 4B):癌细胞已经扩散到宫颈以外的器官,如肝或肺.

当癌症从它开始的地方扩散到身体的另一部分时,它被称为转移. 这些转移性癌细胞与原发肿瘤是同一种癌症. For example, if cervical cancer spreads to the bone, 骨头里的癌细胞实际上是宫颈癌细胞. 这种疾病是转移性宫颈癌,而不是骨癌.

Learn more about the stages of cervical cancer from the National Cancer Institute.

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