Med Student Mentor: Exploring a Career in Infectious Disease

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Med Student Mentor: Exploring a Career in Infectious Disease

Infectious disease doctors get to see all kinds of illnesses, from measles to Ebola. Second-year med student Maria Borrero interviews Dr. 安迪·帕维亚, 犹他大学医学院儿科传染病科主任. 他讨论了自己职业生涯的开端——当时有关艾滋病的信息刚刚出现——以及此后在该领域取得的所有重要和频繁的发现. If you are considering a career in infectious disease, take a listen to this podcast for resources, information and advice for navigating your way into the field.


玛丽亚: Why should consider specializing in infectious disease? That's next on the Med Student Mentor.

播音员: Navigating your way through med school can be tough. Wouldn't it be great if you had a mentor to help you out? 好吧, whether your first-year or fourth-year, we gotcha covered. The Med Student Mentor is on 范围.

玛丽亚: Today we're going to explore specializing in infectious disease with Dr. 安德鲁·帕维亚,犹他大学儿科传染病科主任. 谢谢你!, doctor, for joining with us today. We're really excited to have you.

Dr. 帕维亚: Thanks for having me.

玛丽亚: So first things first. What is it like to be an infectious disease doctor?

Dr. 帕维亚: 好吧, there is very little in medicine that's quite as exciting. You never know what you're going to see any day or any year, and if you think about the headlines just from this year, we're dealing with outbreaks in diseases that we never thought about. We're dealing with Ebola, we're dealing with measles outbreaks, 肠病毒d - 68, and that's just on top of taking care of some of the sickest people. If we do our job right, 大发娱乐真的在大发娱乐他们变得更好,因为传染病很酷的一点是,它们可以迅速杀死你, but many of them are curable.

玛丽亚: 告诉我更多关于你作为传染病专业医生的机会?

Dr. 帕维亚: Let me go back to the beginning of my career. When I graduated medical school, it was 1981 and nobody had ever heard of a disease that was affecting young gay men. 我作为实习生的第一个晚上大约是在疾控中心首次描述肺囊虫病和巨细胞病毒爆发一周后, I took care of a guy with what turned out to be pneumocystis and CMV.

That shaped an early part of my career, 我认为这给了我参与这些新出现的感染的动力. 艾滋病确实影响了我的事业和生活,因为这是许多其他人不想接触的东西, and yet every day we were learning something new. What we were learning was both scientifically incredibly complicated and fascinating, 但大发娱乐可以把它带到床边,大发娱乐那些当时希望渺茫的病人.

玛丽亚: That sounds very exciting. It sounds like you were able to just take the lead and say, "I want to make a difference," and you went for it. Was there someone that helped you along the way, 有没有一个你当时很尊敬的人大发娱乐你做出决定,去做一些别人过去可能没有做过的事情?

Dr. 帕维亚: 好吧, there were probably a lot of people who inspired me. I had two terrific Infectious Diseases Professors in medical school, although ironically back then they said, “嗯, there's not much new in infectious disease, and there's not much money in the field." 好吧, they were wrong on the first point.

对我来说,另一个重大的职业转变是我的一个朋友发现了疾病控制中心的一个项目. He went down and served as an academic intelligence service officer, 这个工作通常是由对传染病感兴趣的年轻内科医生从事的, go down and they're involved as the disease detectives for the CDC. So after I finished residency I went and did that.

But there's another little story that connects the two there. 当我还是第三年住院医师的时候,我照顾了一个16岁左右的年轻人,他带着血性腹泻来看病,后来得了严重的肾衰竭,他的血小板也很低. He turned out to have hemolytic-uremic syndrome, a disease that back then people knew very little about. 没人把血性腹泻和溶血性尿毒症联系起来. In fact, they thought he probably had Crohn's disease incidentally.

When I got to CDC I had a chance to work on E coli 0157, 所以还有另一个方面,两年前大发娱乐几乎一无所知的东西,大发娱乐能够研究, and now understand what's way more important, 食源性疾病. 我想我在传染病领域的朋友和同事们都可以讲述这样的故事,关于新发现如何真正改变大发娱乐在医学领域的面貌. 在医学的其他领域,你很难找到这样经常做的事情.

玛丽亚: And that was something that I was actually going to ask you about. 我认为大发娱乐很多人进入医学界时都有这样一种感觉:大发娱乐想要进入医学界,做出改变,改变一些事情, and we want that empowerment to really help. 我想问你,你对传染病大发娱乐你完成这一使命并大发娱乐你在整个职业生涯中继续这一使命有何看法?

Dr. 帕维亚: In medicine, we try and make a difference in all sorts of ways. We try and make a difference for the patient in front of us, one-on-one. 大发娱乐试图通过增加新知识来改变这一群体的情况. 大发娱乐尝试做一些事情,可能会在很大程度上影响整个世界,以及那些比大发娱乐在美国拥有的少得多的人.

在传染病方面,你必须做到这三点,因为大发娱乐所考虑和担心的许多感染是全球杀手,也是国内的大问题. 所以选择传染病的人可以在美国的临床领域工作, they can do research on new and exciting scientific problems, they can work in global health. 你可以把所有这些结合起来,所有这些都是一个真正有所作为的机会.

玛丽亚: 所以,一旦你们毕业,结束了奖学金,结束了所有的教育,似乎有不同的道路和不同的机会等着你们. 当人们结束友谊后,有没有什么传统的途径?

Dr. 帕维亚: 好吧, 我认为现在的传染病实践分为许多不同的东西典型的传染病医生, if there is a typical infectious disease doc, 可能以医院为基础,可能与重病患者如移植患者或血液学/肿瘤学患者一起工作. They may also work on containing the spread of hospital infections. 这是大发娱乐领域的另一个主要分支,它本身就是一个专业. 在抗菌药物管理方面有一个全新的质量改进领域,它正在不断改进大发娱乐所有人作为一个团队实践医学的方式.

Other people go into practice and predominantly take care of outpatient problems. 其他人则进入公共卫生领域,为州卫生部门、疾病预防控制中心或国际机构工作, 还有一些人在全球健康领域工作,可能会研究疟疾等问题, 登革热, Chikungunya or Ebola.

玛丽亚: That sounds exciting. It sounds like you have a vast number of opportunities and things to do. 你会告诉医科学生去追求什么或者问什么问题如果这是他们感兴趣的东西?

Dr. 帕维亚: 我觉得你应该在医学领域做一些你喜欢的,每天都能让你兴奋的事情. I guarantee you that if you choose infectious disease, that will be your future. There are some downsides. 如果你想成为一名心脏病专家,你的收入会更高,但大多数时候你会感到无聊.

If you look at surveys, infectious disease docs are not the highest paid doctors by a long shot, but they always score highest on the question, "Would you do this again, and do you like your job?" And that, to me, is the most important determinant in choosing your career.

玛丽亚: 我同意. 谢谢你! very much for all that amazing information. I think that it sounds like a very exciting field, and I think even for me, 就我个人而言, as a medical student, I feel like I didn't know enough about it. I didn't know how exciting it was. 看到一个在这个领域工作了这么多年的人,就像你一样,一提起这个话题就会兴奋起来,真是太好了. I think that's really exciting and I think that's what we all aspire to do. 谢谢大家.

Dr. 帕维亚: 谢谢你!.

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