Med Student Mentor: Balancing Med School

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Med Student Mentor: Balancing Med School


骑自行车需要平衡,尤其是如果你在医学院的话. 竞争激烈的自行车赛车手蒂姆·穆维希尔谈到了找时间去追求你的激情, 即使是在医学院. 在科学之间做出选择, 医学生涯, volunteering or just going for a spin, 蒂姆回答, 以上都是,,并给出了一些建议,告诉你如何也能找到时间做所有的事情.


播音员: This is the show by med students for med students. It's The Med Student Mentor on 范围.

面试官: Balancing work and extracurriculars can be difficult at best, but we're here today with Tim Muvihill, a nationally ranked cyclist and a pre-med student. 蒂姆,欢迎来到大发娱乐的节目.

蒂姆: 嗨,很高兴来到大发娱乐.

面试官: You're a very impressive young man. You balance this incredible cycling with med school. 真的, where do you find the time?

蒂姆: You just have to kind of squeeze things in. If you really love to do something, 我认为你总能找到解决问题的方法,找到走出去做你想做的事的方法.

面试官: Do you have a lot of late night studying finishing problem sets?

蒂姆: I actually go for the early morning.

面试官: 真的?

蒂姆: I try to get up early and get most of my work done. 这让我一天中剩下的时间都空出来了,而且我对骑着自行车偷偷出去几个小时也不那么内疚了.

面试官: So what is an average day like for you? 跟大发娱乐说说你的工作日.

蒂姆: A typical day during the first year, 我下午有课, 所以早上是我完成大部分学习和骑马的时间. 所以我每天六点起床学习,学习三到四个小时, and then try to sneak in a ride before I'd 去上课. 快速骑行, 去上课, 然后在下午完成我必须做的其他学习和像正常人一样为正常生活做的任何杂事.

面试官: Do you find that to be sort of an abnormal schedule? 大多数学生对非医学领域的兴趣都像你一样深入和广泛吗?

蒂姆: I think pretty much everybody has their interest outside of medicine. 人们会花或多或少的时间来学习,显然人们喜欢学习的方式有很大的不同. A lot of my classmates really like to study at night, 所以它们会上升, 你知道, 1:00 in the morning still cramming or doing whatever it is they do. 这对我来说从来都不管用.

面试官: They're not getting up at 6:00 a.m. 研究[听不清00:01:44].

蒂姆: 可能不是.

面试官: What do you think makes you so accomplished then? 你和其他可能对骑自行车感兴趣的医学生有什么不同, but is not a nationally competitive cycle?

蒂姆: I'd like to say that it's really drive to be the best and competitive, 但我真的想到了, 我就是喜欢骑自行车. Any chance I get I want to be out on my bike riding. 这样做的一个副产品就是你跑得很快,然后你就能赢得比赛.

面试官: 这是对这项运动的热情.

蒂姆: 是的,我也这么认为.

面试官: 好吧, have you always had that passion? 它从何而来,你认为它会渗透到你生活的其他方面吗?

蒂姆: 从某种意义上说,你想要擅长某件事,你对它感兴趣, and you want to do them as well as you can. I am honestly interested in school and medicine, and it's something that I feel very passionately about. 所以我愿意为了达到我想要的职业智慧而工作学习. As far as cycling, it's just enjoyment of riding a bike. 就像飞翔. It's one of the most wonderful things in the world, I think.

面试官: 你是否曾经想过,也许你不能两者兼得,你可能不得不放弃一个梦想去追求另一个梦想?

蒂姆: 也许当你开始上医学院的时候是那种你认为没有时间的过渡时期, that you're going to be all consumed by exams and studying, and that everything else in your life is going to kind of fall away, that you won't have time for those activities that you love to do. Thankfully, that turned out not to be the case. I'm not trying to be a professional cyclist at this point. 我只是喜欢骑自行车,我很感激我仍然可以出来参加高水平的比赛. 我从来没有考虑过放弃骑自行车,即使我不参加比赛, I'd still want to get out and ride as much as I can.

面试官: When did you decide to go to med school?

蒂姆: I started college with no intention of going to medical school. 我想从商. I actually studied economics mostly the first couple of years. 我决定去读医学院,大概是在我大学四年级的时候. I ended up stretching college to five years.

面试官: 真的?

蒂姆: 但是当我最终决定我要去的时候已经很晚了.

面试官: Bio-chem and economics, a double major. 为什么?

蒂姆: Again, it's just two things that I'm interested in. 我真的不觉得你必须选择其中之一,无论是医学和自行车还是经济学和化学. If there are two things you really want to do, I say go for it. Don't give up one for the other.

面试官: 好吧. 好吧, 你认为你的经济学背景会让你对那些可能只学过生物学的人有不同的看法吗? 你会给一个正在生物学和经济学之间做出选择的医学预科学生什么样的建议呢?

蒂姆: 你必须先完成医学的先决条件然后再选择你想要的专业吗. 学生物学或化学而学生理学或解剖学并没有什么好处, 或者作为一个大学生. You're going to get everything you need in med school.

面试官: 真的? So maybe would you say there is even a disadvantage? I don't want to push you into anything. That was a very leading question.

蒂姆: 这不是劣势. I won't call it a waste of your time. 我只是想说,如果这是你不感兴趣的东西,或者如果你有其他的科目想要追求, undergrad is definitely the time to do that.

面试官: You do seem very invested in exploring your other interests.

蒂姆: 是的.

面试官: 我认为这是个好建议. 我认为这是很好的建议. So then just being a pre-med is stressful enough, 你是如何在mcat学习和志愿服务期间从事自行车运动的, and your last minute of pre-med requirement classes? 你是如何平衡的?

蒂姆: Again, it's just making time for the things you want to do. 我喜欢例行公事. They help me be a lot more productive. 比如志愿服务, 我每周都去同一个地方,在一家医院做4个小时的志愿者, and it just becomes part of your week. You don't question whether you can squeeze in the time to go do it, it's just that's what you're doing. 所以如果你提前把时间划分好,就更容易把事情挤进去.

面试官: So you spend about four hours a week volunteering. How many hours a week did you spend cycling?

蒂姆: I probably average about 20 hours a week on my bike.

面试官: 真的? I got to ask, why is cycling important to you? 为什么 are you willing to devote 20 hours as an undergrad to it?

蒂姆: 再说一遍,这并不是真的出于把它带到另一个层次的梦想. It's something that I really like to do. 就像有些人喜欢玩电子游戏一样,我敢肯定有很多大学生每周花20个小时玩Xbox. Cycling is just kind of a more unusual pursuit, I guess.

面试官: But certainly healthier than video games.

蒂姆: 潜在的,是的.

面试官: I don't think I've ever worked up cardio playing video games.

蒂姆: 我不知道. Some Halo sessions get a little intense there at the end.

面试官: So tell me, how did you first get into cycling then? We've talked about how you got into medicine a little bit.

蒂姆: 有一点,是的. So cycling, I guess, I grew up swimming and running a bit. 所以当我上大学的时候,我觉得参加铁人三项比赛可能会很有趣,所以我开始骑自行车. 我很快就决定,比起铁人三项,我更喜欢自行车训练,于是放弃了游泳, 主要是跑步, and from there I kind of started racing, 我想这就是故事.

面试官: 跟我说说医学院的事. 你已经做了整整一年了. You're going into your second year. What's been the most surprising thing?

蒂姆: 真的 just how interesting everything is. 就像你去了医学院,你觉得这是件很吓人的事. It's going to be super challenging and hard, 但你并不能真正理解这些材料有多有趣. 它是迷人的.

面试官: What's been the hardest part so far?

蒂姆: 最难的肯定是考试. 你知道? It's like dealing with the stress. The first year I had a test every week. 所以这是你一直被评估的东西你必须习惯它. 我认为学习应对压力对每个人来说都是第一年的重要组成部分,幸运的是,我骑自行车让这对我来说更容易一些.

面试官: 那么你认为有一种特定的人能上医学院而另一种人不能上还是你认为这只是一个努力的问题?

蒂姆: I definitely think it's a matter of hard work. 无论你来自什么样的背景,都有一条通往医学院的道路. 如果你对某件事充满激情,真的想做, I'd encourage anyone to give it a crack. 我认为这是世界上最伟大的工作,我非常荣幸能来到大发娱乐.

面试官: 好吧. 好吧, thank you so much for your time.

蒂姆: 谢谢你们邀请我. 我很感激.

播音员: 《大发娱乐》是范围的制作,由犹他健康科学大学大发娱乐提供支持. For other shows check out thescoperadio.com.