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The Seven Domains of Women’s Health: Spiritual Health

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The Seven Domains of Women’s Health: Spiritual Health

Apr 02, 2015

越来越多的证据表明,灵性对你是健康的. 经常参加宗教或精神服务或仪式的人有更好的免疫系统,能更好地应对压力. Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones talks about religion and spirituality in the context of physical and mental health; she provides examples, 好处和个人经验与感觉良好的灵性的结果.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Jones: It isn't sadness. 虽然眼泪可能会让我的家人难堪,但它让我感觉很好,对我有好处.
This is Dr. 犹他州卫生保健大学妇产科的Kirtly Jones说. 今天,大发娱乐要谈论的是精神和健康.

Announcer: 来自犹他大学医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to The Scope.

Dr. Jones: The seven domains of health: physical, social, emotional, intellectual, environmental, financial; and one of the most important, spiritual.
作为一种文化,大发娱乐对精神的谈论远远少于对性的谈论. 但越来越多的科学证据表明,拥有深刻的精神生活对你的健康有益.

无论你的信仰或精神实践如何,它们都可能对你有好处. 国家卫生保健研究所将精神定义为感觉, thoughts, experiences, and behaviors that arise from the search for the sacred.

Now sacred is defined as a divine being, 由个人定义的更高的力量或终极现实. So it's a very personal thing. They define seven domains of spirituality. 这比域名业务更重要,因为有证据表明域名业务与健康有关.


加入或隶属于一个特定的宗教或精神团体,一. Two, religious are spiritual history, your upbringing, your culture, spiritual experiences at life changing times.


第三,团体或活动中宗教或精神上的参与. Do you go to church or do you go to synagogue?


Four, religious or spiritual private practices. 宗教行为或活动,比如祈祷或冥想,对我来说, listening to religious choral music.


Five, religious are spiritual support. 所以你从你的宗教或精神团体的成员那里得到支持吗?


Six, religious or spiritual coping. 宗教信仰:在困难时期使用宗教或精神实践来应对困难的程度, 这对健康来说尤其重要.


Seven, 你的宗教或精神团体所带来的价值观为你的人生选择大发娱乐提供了一个框架. 如果你有一个价值观的框架来驱动你,那就比你在前进的过程中试图编造它要容易得多.


And eight, religious or spiritual commitments. 你对那些实际指导实践的价值观有多大的承诺? How do you behave? 对你所做的事情不感到内疚是很容易的. And guilt is bad for you.


九、宗教是调解关系、宽恕的精神指引. 大发娱乐之前讨论过宽恕对你的免疫系统和幸福感有多重要. 那么,你的精神体验是如何告诉你如何宽恕的呢? And lastly, what are your spiritual experiences, 你对神圣或神圣的体验反映在情感或感觉上还是对我来说, tearing up when I hear people sing religious music.


因此,拥有强大精神生活的人更有可能在困难的情况下茁壮成长. 一些观察性研究表明,有规律的精神实践的人寿命更长.


现在可能是宗教信仰可以缓解压力或者大发娱乐人们更好地应对或者他们有更好的社会支持. 但也有证据表明,有强烈的精神宗教生活的人炎症更少,免疫系统更好. So go figure.


有灵性的人可能会利用他们的信仰来应对疾病、痛苦或生活压力. And there's evidence that people with cancer, 谁从他们的宗教和精神信仰中得到安慰, had less pain.


对于那些不信教的人,或者不属于任何正式宗教或教堂或犹太教堂的人, how did they get in touch with their spiritual side?


Well, I think most of us have had a spiritual experience, meaning you heard some music and it made you tear up, or you saw a sunset that was particularly gorgeous, 或者有一段时间,当你倾听或看着你的家人时,你的心感到充实.

注意这些事情发生的时间,注意它们发生的背景. So for me, I know that nature, although I can't always predict which nature, 会以一种我能感受到却无法表达的方式填满我的心吗.

因为我知道宗教的赞美诗音乐可靠,让我感到充实. 当我需要与内心之光接触时,我可以去做这些事情, the thing that lights my heart.


我知道当我这样做的时候,其他困扰我的事情似乎就会溜走. 当我觉得自己是比自己更重要的事情的一部分, so much bigger than my community, my state, my nation, and so much bigger than my planet, when I feel in touch with that, I can feel it in my heart.


有很多方法可以让你知道你正在经历一种精神体验. My heart felt full or I just felt full of awe. 一种敬畏感也可能告诉你,你正在与比你自己更大的东西接触.


Be aware when you're feeling that way and go there. 所以大发娱乐可以在很多方面关注大发娱乐的精神生活. Robert Shaw, 有史以来最著名的赞美诗导演之一说, “艺术为大发娱乐大发娱乐提供了一扇窗户,透过它大发娱乐可以窥见神."


然而,你选择通过给予来实践你的灵性, through music, 通过冥思神灵或通过宗教观察, I hope for all of us, and our friends some time with our inner light. And thanks for joining us on The Scope.


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