Common Bike Injuries and How to Prevent Them

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Common Bike Injuries and How to Prevent Them


Summer is here, and for many that means getting back on the bicycle and enjoying the outdoors. For ER doctors, it means seeing more patients injuring themselves on those bicycles. 急诊室医生 Dr. 特洛伊马德森 talks about the most common bike injuries he sees during this time of year and share tips on how to keep out of the ER.


面试官: What are some of the common things that an emergency room physician sees after somebody wrecks their bike? 我说的是自行车. 这就是下一期《大发娱乐》.

播音员: This is From the Frontlines, with emergency room physician Dr. 特洛伊马德森在范围报道.

面试官: Dr. 特洛伊马德森's an emergency room physician at University of Utah Health 我知道 this is kind of a broad question, 但是在有人弄坏了他们的自行车之后, what are some common injuries that you see as a result of that in maybe hopes that we can prevent those from happening in the first place?

Dr. 马德森: Well, 你知道, it's a great question because springtime's right around the corner. 希望它能很快到来. 我一直告诉自己,就快到了. 但是当春天到来的时候, we started to see lots of bicycle-related injuries and it covers the full spectrum everything from scrapes, 疙瘩, 瘀伤严重, 危及生命的伤害. So probably the most common thing we see are lacerations, 人们从自行车上摔下来, 发生事故, 他们割破下巴, 他们的头, 他们的手臂, 他们的手肘. 大发娱乐看到了骨折, 很多前臂骨折, people falling off bikes after accidents that come down on an outstretched hand or outstretched arm and break their forearm.

The most serious things we see are head injuries and these can be really serious injuries. 当然, wearing a helmet is one of the best things you can do to prevent a head injury. 但是在头部受伤方面, 大发娱乐会看到头部出血, 当然可以看到面部骨折, 鼻子骨折, 诸如此类.

面试官: Let's go back and cover a couple of those. So let's start with head injuries since that's the most serious. 戴上头盔, 绝对的好, can reduce the chance that you're going to get a head injury, 可以减轻病情的严重性, 我可以想象. Do you find though that people wearing a helmet sometimes think they're a little bulletproof and take bigger chances so the helmets can actually cause problems?

Dr. 马德森: 很好的问题. I think that's probably true to some degree.

面试官: 确定.

Dr. 马德森: I think maybe people sometimes overestimate the value of a helmet. 它会有大发娱乐的, just think of your helmet as just a big piece of Styrofoam, 本质上. 它会起到缓冲作用,但是, 你知道, we will absolutely see cases of very serious head injuries in people who are wearing helmets.

面试官: 是的. So you probably should pretend like you just don't have it even though you do.

Dr. 马德森: 确定.

面试官: 你知道,骑马就是这样. So is there anything you can do to avoid head injuries if you got the helmet on? 任何事先需要注意的事情?

Dr. 马德森: Well, the most serious injuries we see on bicycles are people who get hit by cars. So, 你知道, there's the whole defensive driving thing. 你也得防着骑. 你真的, 我知道, 骑自行车的人知道这一点,也会这样做, but you absolutely to just expect the worse from the cars around you, expect they're going to run stop lights and stop signs, expect they're going to turn into you as they're making a right turn and you're coming up on the right side. 只是期待它会发生.

面试官: 是的.

Dr. 马德森: 和个人, 有, 你知道, 以前骑自行车上班, I can say it seemed like I saw everything and how many close calls were there, 我想每个骑自行车的人都知道这一点. So you kind of have to expect it and watch for it and really be on the defensive.

面试官: 是的,预料到这些事情. What about, 你知道, you said arm injuries, people put 他们的手臂s out. 还有更好的坠落方式吗?

Dr. 马德森: I wish I could say there was, but there's probably not.

面试官: 你不知道它是什么. 好吧.

Dr. 马德森: 真的没有. That's probably your best option because you figure the other alternative would be just to come straight down on your side, 你知道, then that increases the risk of head injury when you do hit your side. 大发娱乐还会看到气胸, where people will break a rib that punctures a lung, 释放空气. 这可能是一件更严重的事情. So, probably, that forearm injury is the best injury you can walk away with in that kind of generic. 如果你这么强硬的话.

面试官: 让你. And when do 你知道 if it's bad enough to go to the ER?

Dr. 马德森: Well, 你知道, head injuries, if you've lost consciousness that's a reason to go to the ER. If you're 有 nausea or vomiting afterward, confusion, definitely reasons to go to the ER. 当然, any injury in your legs where you can't bear weight, 这就是去检查的原因, 做x光检查. 然后是前臂受伤, 你知道, 通常, you're going to see a decent amount of swelling or some sort of deformity if it's broken. So 再一次。, reason to go to the ER and get checked out. Lacerations, if it's something that you're not comfortable just putting a Band-Aid on. If it's something where the edges are gaping open, you're probably going to need some stitches, 再一次。, ER or urgent care would be able to handle that.

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