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What Is Sepsis?

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What Is Sepsis?

May 12, 2017

当感染扩散到血液中时,败血症是一种潜在的危及生命的并发症. It’s not too common for most people, 但高危患者甚至可能没有意识到感染已经扩散. Emergency physician Dr. Troy Madsen explains the complication of sepsis, 如何判断你是否可能处于危险之中,如何识别应该立即去医院的迹象.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: Sepsis. 它是什么,你怎么得到它,你应该怎么做? That's next on The Scope.

Announcer: 这是来自前线的急诊室医生. Troy Madsen, on The Scope.

Interviewer: Dr. 特洛伊·马德森是急诊室医生. 今天我想学习一些关于败血症的知识. What exactly is sepsis? Let's start there.

Dr. Madsen: Well, sepsis is, you know, a word you may have heard, 但对败血症最好的理解是它只是一种从某处开始的感染, 要么在肺里,要么在尿里,要么在皮肤上, like a urinary infection, a skin infection, 然后在整个身体中发挥作用. 所以它基本上只是一种成熟的东西,否则看起来可能没什么大不了的, 你只要吃点抗生素就可以了.

Interviewer: 所以局部感染不是败血症?

Dr. Madsen: No.

Interviewer: 当感染以某种方式进入血液时. 这种情况有多普遍?

Dr. Madsen: It's not super common. 这在有免疫系统问题的老年人中更为常见. That's where we often see cases. But I mean, 我确实见过有人因为尿路感染而来, young, healthy females, who it works it way up to their kidneys. 从那里开始,你开始看到整个身体的影响.

And really, 大发娱乐要找的脓毒症的影响是高温, so they're coming with a fever, they're breathing rapidly, their heart rate is going fast. We check blood work on them. 他们的白细胞计数升高,这是全身感染的标志. And then, sometimes in severe sepsis, their blood pressure even drops, 因为严重的感染会导致血管扩张. 所以血压会下降,这才是真正严重的问题.

Interviewer: So it could happen to anybody, even if you're healthy, 如果你的免疫系统有缺陷,更有可能. Something to avoid, nonetheless. Are there ways to avoid getting sepsis?

Dr. Madsen: 因此,避免败血症的关键是尽早发现感染. 如果你看看你的手臂,看起来你有皮肤感染. 比方说你有一块区域很红,很热. 你触摸它,你就会说,“哇,大发娱乐真的很热。." You need to get on some antibiotics, 因为这些东西会随着感染的扩散发展成败血症. You're having urinary tract symptoms.

我看到这些败血症病例的时候,人们可能会把它放上几天, and then it works its way up. They start having back pain, fevers. That's when it becomes urosepsis, 所以从尿液开始,然后感染通过身体. 或者肺炎,另一种常见的情况,人们经常咳嗽,发高烧. Things get much worse there. So if you can catch these things early, get on antibiotics, 一般来说,你可以避免那种严重的感染,大发娱乐称之为败血症.

Interviewer: 好吧,如果真的出现败血症,该怎么治疗呢?

Dr. Madsen: So sepsis, it requires hospitalization. So in these patients, 大发娱乐在急诊室做了很多研究, how do we best treat these patients, 但关键是要及早做好准备. 这就意味着静脉注射,输液. 只是因为人们可能非常脱水,他们可能会因此流失大量的液体. And then getting antibiotics early. 我会很早就开始给这些脓毒症患者使用抗生素,让他们住院, 经常需要几天的静脉注射抗生素,同时试图找出导致败血症的确切原因,并确保得到适当的治疗.

Interviewer: 为什么要长期住院治疗? 为什么不直接给他们抗生素,让他们在家治疗呢?

Dr. Madsen: Well, one of the challenges, they often need additional IV fluids, 他们通常需要静脉注射抗生素. 有些静脉注射比大发娱乐在家里给的强得多, 这就是他们在医院的原因, monitoring them. 这可能会危及生命. I mean, 几年前对败血症的一些研究甚至表明, you know, in these cases, 他们发现30%的败血症患者死亡. Maybe it's not that high now. 我敢肯定,大发娱乐现在还没有改善大发娱乐的护理,但这是一件大事. 所以这些病人通常会住院几天.

Interviewer: So to me, it sounds like, 如果你受到某种感染, 尤其是你提到的那些, 你应该控制它,治疗它,这样败血症就不会成为一个问题. 但是,如果症状开始出现,你绝对需要去医院.

Dr. Madsen: Exactly. Once you get fevers, chills, you know, just things getting much worse, the back pain, like an infection in the kidney, 只是咳嗽没有好转,你把东西吐了出来, lots of phlegm, yeah, get to the ER. 这可能是更严重的情况,需要静脉注射抗生素.

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