What Options Are Available for Facial Rejuvenation at Any Age?

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What Options Are Available for Facial Rejuvenation at Any Age?


Seeing the signs of aging on your face can be difficult at any stage of life. 整形外科医生 Dr. 科里阿加瓦尔 covers all the different procedures available to reduce the signs of aging and prescribes what may work best for patients, whether you’re in your 20s or your 60s.


播音员: Health information from experts supported by research. From University of Utah Health, this is thescoperadio.com.

面试官: So you look in the mirror and you're starting to see the signs of aging on your face. What options are available to you at any point in life? 我和Dr. 科里阿加瓦尔. She is an Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery at the University of Utah Health. 所以博士. Agarwal, what are the kinds of people that are coming in for facelifts or rejuvenations? Is there a particular age, or is it all across the board?

Dr. 阿加沃: It's definitely all across the board. I think when people start to see their face change at all, there is a little bit of panic that age is coming and they want to come in and see what their options are to slow things down or maintain their youth as long as possible. So we get people even in their 20s or 30s who may be seeing new wrinkles show up and asking what could be done and is it time for a surgery or what other options we can offer them.

面试官: At 20 or 30, what kind of things are we seeing? 大发娱乐是, 你知道, just a little wrinkles and stuff and what options are available for, 说, 这个年龄段?

Dr. 阿加沃: 所以在这个年龄段, it would be rare to have a full face lift recommended, but it's very common that you would benefit from things like Botox, which relax the wrinkle lines and maybe fillers that would soften some of the early wrinkles that you would get at those early ages. Other options at those ages would be products that can rejuvenate the skin, 像全, 一些轻的化学物质会剥落, 手术之外的事情.

面试官: So we're not looking at a full face change, 你知道, pull everything back up. It's these small rejuvenation type changes for 这个年龄段.

Dr. 阿加沃: 是的. And one thing to point out though is that everyone does age differently. I think a lot of it comes down to your genetics, your exposure to the outdoors and the sun and wind. 人们可以更早衰老. 有时在30年代, 那十年, people will benefit from a small surgery of some kind, and it's worth coming in and talking to your surgeon at that point if you have certain areas that are starting to sag or droop.

面试官: So when you get into the you said a small surgery, I've heard mini facelift or what kind of small surgeries are available?

Dr. 阿加沃: Smaller surgeries could be something like eyelid lift, blepharoplasty where there's just a little bit of extra skin. If there is such a thing as a mini facelift, that really focuses on the middle portion of the face, 脖子上就不那么疼了. And another option is facial fat grafting where you're just plumping up some areas, 比如脸颊, possibly to add some a youthfulness.

面试官: 除了这些填充物和, 你知道, smaller surgeries and other options available, what is the age that most people are getting, 说, 全面整容?

Dr. 阿加沃: 没有一个绝对的年龄, but I think we start to see people coming in who would benefit from a lift somewhere in the late 40s, 50s. 我想那几十年, 颈部变得更加松弛, and I think it's when the jowls form and the neck becomes lax that you're really looking at needing something more rather than just use more minimal techniques to correct that. If you have extra skin hanging in the jowls and neck, you're probably going to do best with a facelift.

面试官: So 说 a patient is looking in the mirror and they're seeing some of the signs of aging, what's the first step that they should do to find out what procedures are even available to them?

Dr. 阿加沃: So I think the best advice for that individual is to go in and have a consultation and talk to your surgeon and learn what's out there, learn about what may be best for you, 你在找什么, 适合你的皮肤类型, for your age and I think you can come up with a plan. And you may combine surgery with some of these resurfacing or noninvasive techniques out there to really optimize your result.

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