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What if your child's back pain is not about posture, but something more? 脊柱侧凸, 脊柱侧弯导致脊柱侧弯的一种状况, often appears during a child’s growth spurt and affects more kids than you might think. 儿科医生 辛迪·盖尔纳,医学博士, goes over the signs to watch for, and the steps to take if scoliosis is detected. 学习如何发现早期症状, 了解潜在原因, and explore the range of treatment options available to help your child maintain a healthy spine.

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    大发娱乐大多数人都听母亲说过, "Stand up straight you're going to make your back so it's hunched over.“嗯, what if the back problem has nothing to do with your posture and has more to do with your spine? 

    So most of you if you've been to seventh grade you've had the spine check where they have you take off your shirt, 弯腰, 触摸你的脚趾, 他们看着你的背. 大发娱乐大多数人在10岁或11岁左右开始检查脊柱, because that's usually when kids are about to have their big growth spurt, and during the growth spurt that's when you're usually going to pick up scoliosis.

    So scoliosis is basically meaning that the spine curves from side to side rather than going straight down the back and it most often affects the bones in the upper back not the lower back. 所以如果你的孩子 腰痛 大发娱乐需要考虑另一个问题. Most likely that's going to be a muscle problem, not a spine problem.


    女孩比男孩更易患脊柱侧凸. 脊柱侧凸 does seem to run in families and the cause really isn't that known, it could be caused because the bones in the spine aren't shaped correctly, 腿的长度不同, the rib muscles pull harder on one part of the spine than the other causing the bones to twist and move out of line. If you've had an injury to your spine it can cause some curving, some certain diseases like cerebral palsy also make people more prone to scoliosis.


    How do you know if you have scoliosis if you haven't been to a doctor and no one's checked your back? 好吧,还有其他东西要找. 如果你的肩膀不平坦或者你的臀部不平坦, 就像一个比另一个高, 如果你弯腰,有人说, “哇,你背上左边的隆起是什么??“这可能是脊椎弯曲的迹象. 如果你的一个或两个肩胛骨都伸出来了, 不仅仅是因为你很瘦, 但它们实际上像翅膀一样伸出来, if you have a slight lean to one side but it's only from the waist up, 或者如果你有很多中背部和上背部疼痛.


    So if we do pick up scoliosis on the physical exam, what do we do about it? 首先大发娱乐要做的是x光. If your child's x-ray shows that the scoliosis is less than 10 degrees, we just monitor it. When we do the x-ray we can actually measure the angle of the curve using something that looks like a protractor like you used in math, and if it's more than 10 degrees but less than 15 we usually just monitor it once a year. If it's between 15 and 20 degrees we monitor it every six months. If it's more than 20 degrees that's when we get the bone doctors involved, the 骨科医生, because if it's that bad then we need to have the 骨科医生 talk to you about the treatment options.


    Sometimes people if their spine is that crooked they need to wear a back brace. 有时候物理治疗会有所大发娱乐. It also helps your child learn proper posture and helps keep your child with a good range of motion so they can move in all directions and quite often helps to strengthen the muscles around the spine. It also helps with the pain and muscle spasms that some people get with scoliosis.

    If the scoliosis curve is severe then you're child may need to have 手术 but that's not very common unless you have one of those other predispositions for having scoliosis like cerebral palsy.


    那么如何大发娱乐治疗脊柱侧凸呢? 不幸的是,你能做的并不多. 这是, 它们的脊椎是如何生长和遗传的, 因为它确实会在家族中遗传. But that old adage of, "Stand up straight," yeah it's a good thing to do. Your child needs to remember to stand up straight and practice good posture that will help with all the back muscles too.

    你的孩子也需要学习如何保护他们的背部, so that means if they're going to lift something heavy they need to bend at the knees, 不是用背. 如果他们背着沉重的背包, which going back to school is something that a lot of people are going to be dealing with, 他们需要记住在背包上使用两条背带. Your backpack comes with two straps for a reason so you need to actually use both of those rather than just having on one shoulder because that will also cause strain on the back. Also, kids who are overweight can lose some weight and that also helps back muscles. 很多背部疼痛都是由于超重造成的.

    如果你的孩子有脊柱侧凸, especially if they need some of the interventions like needing to wear a brace, that can be something they're very self-conscious about so make sure that you talk to your child and let them know, "Hey this isn't anything you did or you have any control over and it's a short term fix so that you can fix a long term problem."

    So if your child can't stand up straight or you notice any of those other signs, have your pediatrician check out your child's back and make sure that they don't have the early signs of scoliosis and if they do you can get it fixed.

