

Measles was declared eliminated from the United States in 2000, 这意味着没有持续的传播. 然而,爆发 of 麻疹 in the United States have continued to occur, with the most recent reported in 2024. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 131宗麻疹个案 仅今年就有21个司法管辖区报告了此类案件. Eight outbreaks—defined as three or more related cases—have occurred. The majority of these cases impact children under 5 years old, 81%的人没有接种疫苗. Larger outbreaks are occurring in the UK, parts of Europe, and throughout the world.


Measles is a serious illness that can cause a variety of complications. It is an airborne and extremely infectious disease that can spread readily to unvaccinated individuals and children who are too young to be vaccinated. 这种病毒引起发烧和皮疹,开始出现在脸上, 耳朵后面, 然后向下扩散到胸部, 回来, 和脚. 感染分阶段发生. 接触后10至14天内无症状, 其次是发烧, 常伴有咳嗽, 流鼻涕和结膜炎. 再过三到四天,皮疹就出现了.


  • 发热
  • 咳嗽
  • 流鼻涕
  • 眼睛发炎(结膜炎)
  • 对光的敏感度
  • 喉咙痛
  • Koplik spots, tiny white spots with bluish-white centers that form in the mouth
  • 头疼


麻疹于1765年在北美首次被报道. 它在美国成为一种全国性的法定疾病.S. 1912年,这使得它可以被追踪. It was responsible for sickening about three to four million people—mostly children—and killing about 6,000 people each year until the 疫苗 was developed in 1963. The 疫苗 worked so well in the prevention and spread of 麻疹—97% effective with two doses—that in 2000, 美国宣布消灭麻疹.S.

"Vaccines protect our children against these dangerous and sometimes deadly diseases," says 安德鲁·帕维亚博士,司司长 儿童传染病 at the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine at the University of Utah. "As parents, we want more than anything to protect our children."

Yet, while a 疫苗 for 麻疹 has been available since 1963, resistance has always existed. 在COVID-19大流行之后, 疫苗犹豫增加, 部分原因是错误信息和政治紧张局势. 此后,全国的疫苗接种率下降, 在很多领域, 包括犹他州, are now below the 95% vaccination threshold that generally prevents the spread of 麻疹. That has opened the door for increasing 麻疹 cases in the U.S. 使大发娱乐的地区变得脆弱.


在美国.S., children entering school are required to get a number of vaccinations, 包括MMR, 可以预防麻疹, 流行性腮腺炎, 和风疹.

"These requirements are because of the risk not just to your child but also to other children in school, especially those who cannot be vaccinated or don't respond to 疫苗s,帕维亚说. 然而,这些疫苗有一些豁免. "Children who cannot safely be vaccinated for medical reasons are granted exemptions in all 50 states,帕维亚说. “Most states offer exemptions for religious reasons and some for philosophical exemptions.”

Many factors have contributed to delayed vaccination of children. Some parents have been concerned that children receive too many 疫苗s. Others have been influenced by false information that exaggerates 疫苗 risks. Misinformation and intentional spread of disinformation have only increased with the rise of social media. Some parents are simply overwhelmed by multiple conflicting voices and don’t know what to believe.

Careful studies have not shown any harmful impacts from the number of 疫苗s that children receive. "It is understandable to ask if getting several 疫苗s at the same time is 'too many challenges,’”帕维亚承认. “然而, children are exposed to hundreds of new proteins during birth, 每次他们感冒的时候, 把玩具放进他们的嘴里, 或者暴露在尘土中, 它们的免疫系统就是用来对付这种情况的. The number of new proteins they are exposed to even when getting multiple 疫苗s is a fraction of what they are exposed to naturally." 

"All of the research to date suggests that getting 疫苗s together is safe, and it is more humane than spreading out the number of injections."

Pavia says he understands why parents may have questions about 疫苗s, 尤其是当他们成为头条新闻的时候. "Part of the problem is that the media likes to find a story with conflict, and they often look for people who oppose 疫苗s to provide a counterpoint, 不管他们是否知识渊博或可信,他说. "This gives a false impression that there is a lot of doubt or controversy when, 事实上, 很少存在."

Pavia also says that while the public at large is exposed to the debate, very few are actually exposed to the reality of infectious disease. "Most parents with young children are now too young to remember 疫苗-preventable diseases, 所以他们不再害怕麻疹之类的疾病, 百日咳, 或脑膜炎,他说. “作为一名年轻的传染病医生, I knew these diseases well and saw the devastating effect on otherwise healthy children. When my children were younger, I could not wait to get them their 疫苗s."

为人父母充满了艰难的决定. Whether or not to protect them from disease shouldn't be one of them. "Vaccines are the one of the best things we can do to protect them,帕维亚说. “这只是一个事实."

在健康儿童专区找到更多建议. 辛迪的假面


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