

你可能会注意到一些暂时的不适迹象 腹部除皱 如:

  • 几天或几周不能完全直立,
  • 疼痛和瘀伤持续了几周,
  • 肿胀数周或数月,并且
  • numbness, a pulling sensation, and/or tightness and pain when you cough for weeks or months.


Our surgeons will use special care and expertise to minimize the appearance of your scar. The size of your scar depends on the type of 腹部除皱 you have and the amount of skin we remove. In either case, we will make the incision where many undergarments and swimsuits will cover it.

  • 迷你腹部整形疤痕 — This procedure will have a shorter horizontal scar just above your pubic mound (skin above your pubic bone).
  • 整肚疤痕 — This procedure will have a longer horizontal or U-shaped scar above your pubic mound. 这可能从髋骨延伸到髋骨. If we create a new opening for your belly button, you will have a small circular scar too.

Your 腹部除皱 scar will thin and fade gradually over the course of one year. 然而,它总是可见的. For the best results, make sure to follow your surgeon’s instructions for 腹部除皱 recovery.


Your plastic surgeon will see for you regular follow-up visits during your 腹部除皱 康复,支持你度过难关. The most important thing to remember is that you should follow your surgeon’s aftercare instructions closely.


  • 你做的那种腹部整形手术,
  • 你的年龄和健康,还有
  • 遵循善后指导.


  • see an improvement in your abdomen’s appearance soon after your procedure. It will progress gradually as you are able to stand taller and your swelling and scars fade.
  • 手术后两周就可以重返工作岗位. If your job involves lifting heavy objects daily, you will need to wait four to six weeks.
  • 术后两个月左右感觉恢复正常.
  • 术后3个月恢复所有活动.
  • 看着你的伤疤在几个月到一年内逐渐消失.



It is important to have friends or family that will support your social and emotional health as you heal. 你会需要有人在家大发娱乐腹部除皱手术——至少持续几天,最好是更久. 原因包括:

  • 做完手术回家后行动不便. 走, standing for a long time, bending, and lifting may all be a challenge.
  • bending quickly or lifting too much—even a small child—can stretch or reopen your incision and prolong bleeding and swelling.
  • 手术后两周不能开车.



在你的腹部整形术中, we will place small drainage tubes near your incision to stop fluid from building up in that area while you heal. 你需要每天排空几次下水道. 在你离开医院之前,大发娱乐会告诉你怎么做. Your drains will remain in place until we remove them in a follow-up visit around one to two weeks after surgery. 


You will be able to start scar massage and use scar tapes or creams to minimize the appearance of your scar at least three weeks after surgery.


在你 腹部除皱手术,在你的伤口上要用绷带包扎。. You will also wear a compression garment around your abdomen to prevent fluid buildup and to support you while you heal. You should always wear your compression garment except when showering or washing it. You can stop wearing it shortly after your drains are removed around one to two weeks after surgery. 

Initially, you will want to avoid clothing that digs into your waist. You may be most comfortable wearing loose-fitting pants, such as drawstring pajama pants or dresses. 

洗澡 & 洗澡

手术后两天你可以恢复每天洗澡. Do not soak in a bathtub, pool, or hot tub until your incisions heal or your surgeon says it’s okay.

体育活动 & 锻炼

  • : Expect to spend plenty of time resting the first few days after your 腹部除皱, with the exception of walking around the house to maintain healthy circulation. After three weeks, you should be able to walk normally, but not forcefully.
  • 弯腰和下蹲手术后六周, you should avoid or ease into these positions as they may be strain your incision line.
  • 取消: For the first four to six weeks, you should not lift anything over 10 pounds.

You can gradually start increasing your physical activity six weeks after your 腹部除皱. 然而, you should avoid any strenuous activity or motion with excessive force until three months after surgery. 


手术后的头几天, you should sleep on your back or side and place pillows under your knees to take the pressure off of your abdominal muscles. When you get out of bed, you should turn on your side first and/or have someone support your back. You can also try to sleep in a recliner, if you have one, to maintain the proper position. 

开车 & 重返工作岗位

Before you drive or return to work, it’s best to get your surgeon’s approval at a follow-up visit. 在一般情况下, you should not drive until you’ve been off of your prescription pain medication for at least 24 hours and can safely operate a vehicle in traffic.

You may be able to drive and return to a desk job as early as two weeks after a 腹部除皱. 如果你的工作需要举重或剧烈运动, 你至少需要等四到六周.


请致电大发娱乐的办公室: 801-581-7719 如果你想了解更多关于你的选择 腹部除皱. We will be happy to schedule a consultation for you with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons who specialize in 腹部除皱手术.
